How to Find Your Ideal Client on Instagram

Do you use Instagram to build your business? Social media is a great way to build connections with your target audience, find clients, and network. To be most effective, you should know how to find your ideal client on Instagram. You can’t (and definitely don’t want to) market to everyone. Let’s go over a few ways you can find your ideal client on social media.

Keywords and Hashtags

Hashtags have been the main way to reach target audiences for several years. It’s still effective, but keywords are making an impact now, too. Let’s chat about how to use both to find your ideal client.

When I start working with new clients, the first thing I do is hashtag research. I want to learn what their ideal clients are searching for and what they want to see. Then, I can use those hashtags in posts, so ideal clients are more likely to see them. I do the same thing with my business, too! Make a list of 50–100 hashtags that you can pull from when you’re creating posts.

Instagram’s search bar functions similarly to Google’s. People are searching for specific terms (AKA keywords) to find content, accounts, or hashtags. What can you do to optimize your profile for keywords? Here are a few tips from Duo Collective:

  • Use keywords in your name and bio
  • Add location tags
  • Add alt tags to images
  • Use call-to-actions

The more you can optimize your profile and posts, the more likely it is that you’ll reach your ideal audience on Instagram.

Content Creation

The content you create has a big impact on how your ideal clients find you. Is the content something they would be searching for or that the Instagram algorithm believes they would find interesting? I always tell clients to focus on posting content that is valuable. That’s what people are going to be searching for, not a sales post about your services. While promotional posts are still important, focus on value first.

You should also try different forms of content. Here is a list of everything you can post on Instagram:

I recommend trying each one a few times and seeing what results in the best…



Alicia | Marketing & Sales Coach

I help online business owners hit their first $5k months by learning how to market and sell their offers, sign clients consistently through learning sales.